Expert TA is committed to helping all students learn Physics

Part of Expert TA’s mission is to provide powerful educational tools that help instructors teach, and help all students learn, including students with disabilities. Expert TA takes accessibility very seriously and is dedicating development resources in order to ensure that both Expert TA’s content and technology are designed to WCGA 2.0 Compliant, wherever possible.

Accessibility is particularly difficult for technology in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM Areas), due to the nature of the content in those disciplines such as: complex notation, construction of complex symbolic expressions, interactive figures, interactive web simulations, etc. Building effective educational tools for STEM areas is a challenge.

Expert TA is committed to the solving the additional technical challenges associated with accessibility of these tools. In past releases Expert TA has implemented both content and technical updates and will continue to make accessibility improvements in future releases. Expert TA’s goal is to reach WCGA 2.0 AA conformance by the end of 2022.

For more information, or specific questions please contact us at