A Greater Way to Educate
Expert TA is an educational technology company committed to helping students learn and to providing instructors with tools to create and provide the best learning resources possible.
Online Homework
Text-book independent online homework platform for a number of subjects, with accompanying additional resources. All subjects offer complex question types and specific feedback for incorrect answers.
Editable eBooks with OpenStax
Edit any OpenStax title and publish your custom edition via our eReader. Adjust the existing content or add in videos, simulations, or links to current events; make the book your own.
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Digital Publishing and Self-Publishing Platform
Learn about using our eBooks platform for your course materials, either by self-publishing or with help from our team. Instructors utilize the platform to distribute lecture notes, lab manuals, and other materials, and design assessments, such as pre-lab quizzes, to accompany their content.
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Secure Exams
Author your own exam questions or assign from our libraries and administer via our secure testing platform.