Editable eBooks Overview

Our platform allows instructors to leverage OER textbooks and customize them to suit the needs of their course.

Our Coverage: Our editor is available for all OpenStax titles (70+), many other OER Textbooks.

Ease of Use: What you see is what you get. Our Rich Text Editor feels like MS Word or Google Docs. No specialized knowledge required.

Cost: $15 per student per semester, $10 per student per quarter.

Editor Capabilities: Instructors can easily,

  • Make Edits and Digitally Distribute their Custom Textbook to their students
  • Rearrange or Remove Chapters or Sections
  • Rewrite any portion of the book via our Rich Text Editor
  • ChangeEdit Images in the Text
  • Embed YouTube videos
  • Embed Interactive Simulations

Continuously Update: When you have edits that are a work-in-progress, click ‘Save’. When you are ready to make changes go live to your students, just click Publish. Update as often as you like, including during the term.

Need Computer Graded Assessments? We have a powerful online homework system that can accompany any book. For selected texts, Expert TA has fully built out libraries of questions, just waiting to be assigned. For other subjects, the authoring platform allows instructors to author their own questions, or code in questions from the OpenStax books.

Our Vision

Incredible Books created with the Power of Collaboration

Our long-term goal is to help make the best textbooks ever written, and keep them at an affordable price indefinitely, something on the order of $15. The Editable eBooks platform is the start of that. As instructors make edits, they can opt-in and allow those edits to benefit the community. Other instructors will be able to see those changes, but so will our editorial teams.

As Wikipedia demonstrated, there is great power in opening something up to input from the community. Imagine how good any given textbook can be, after the instructor community at-large has weighed in on it over the course of several years.


Credit where Credit is Due

Almost all of our early adopters have opted-in, allowing us to take the best of their edits and roll them into our main version of the books.

Note: We understand the importance of credit where credit is due. Any and all edits that make their way into a main version, will be cited and/or acknowledged appropriately.


Our Role

Our role is to help by creating a platform that facilitates such large scale collaboration, as well as establishing and overseeing the faculty-based editorial teams that will curate the information, evaluate individual customizations, and decide how to update the textbooks accordingly.

Interested in being part of the Editorial Team for one of the books? Use the form on this page to get in contact with us.